Help With Solar

Top Quality with high efficiency
Conscious 100% green electricity
Save Money No upfront investment
2957 reviews
Top Quality with high efficiency
Conscious 100% green electricity
Save Money No upfront investment

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In 4 steps
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Step 1

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Step 2

Free consultation

Our advisor calculates how much you save monthly.

Step 3


Your solar panels will be installed within 1 day.

Step 4

Free energy

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Another question?
We have the answer.

Are the solar panels of good quality?

Yes, of course. We only install German, tested, glass-glass solar panels with the highest yield, in beautiful triple black. Our panels are TUV certified and have a 30-year power and yield guarantee. They meet all the quality requirements that you can expect as a customer.

What does ''without investment'' mean?

This means that you pay back the solar panels in parts. The big advantage of solar panels without investment is that you usually pay the same amount for repayment as you currently pay for the energy supplier. So you won't notice it in your wallet! After you have paid off the solar panels, you no longer have any costs for using energy. You will even earn money now!

An additional advantage of this concept is that the solar panels are directly your property and you are not tied to a lease construction.

Are solar panels still interesting?

Given the numerous advantages, installing solar panels is certainly still interesting! Switching to green energy, reducing the costs of your energy bill and also increasing the value of your home are just a few of the benefits.

Due to the development in the field of solar panels, the average price has fallen considerably in recent years, making it financially more interesting than ever to install solar panels.

Although it is unfortunately no longer possible to obtain a national subsidy for solar panels, the VAT refund after purchase still applies. We will help you apply for this refund!

Do I need a permit?

No, you can install solar panels without a permit. An exception to this are monuments and homes within a protected village or townscape.

Can they go on any roof?

Solar panels can be placed on both a sloping and a flat roof. A south-facing roof with a slope of approximately 35 degrees is optimal. Roofs to the east and west also yield 90% of the efficiency. A roof facing north is less useful for solar panels.

When should I have solar panels installed?

From a financial point of view, this depends on the time of the meter reading. In the summer, the solar panels naturally yield more than in the winter. However, you use the most electricity in the winter.

Suppose your meter reading is in the winter and you had the solar panels installed the previous summer. Then the generated power is not counted and you actually lose it. However, if the meter reading is in the summer, it is wise to install the solar panels in the winter in order to reduce the costs of your energy bill.

Again, every situation is different. Your household can also change. For example, do you currently have 2 children living at home? Then the energy needs are of course different than when the children are out of the house. For this reason, we are happy to come by for a personal consultation, so that we can offer exactly what you need. Also with an eye to the future.

Where can I install solar panels?

A question we often get from interested parties is where the solar panels should be placed. You might be surprised what the possibilities are! The most common place where solar panels are installed is on the roof of a home. Other places where these can be placed include:

- Roofs of companies
- Roofs of farms
- Special posts/holders
- To the ground

With regard to the yield of the solar panels, it is important to place them in the right direction and at the right angle. The ideal angle is between 35 and 40 degrees. The most optimal direction in relation to the sun is when the solar panels are facing south. This allows the panels to enjoy the sun the longest in a day.

Although these are the most optimal conditions, our experience tells us that this is almost never feasible in practice. That is why we always look for the most ideal solution for each situation!